Thursday, May 10, 2007

This Thing Called Love...

I belive... YES i do..
I do belive in a thing called love...

It is tricky... it comes and go just like the Wind...
it plays with you for a while... and u have to try hard to find a real one.

But i still belive...

"Mr. love".. is cool... u can be sad and in just one second ur mood changes..
U can be cruched and in just one moment.. u can be cure.. Or Viceversa...

But i still belive...

People say... All you need is love... and in some moments... it is true.

It comes in the shape of a Friend... maybe NEW or maybe Old..
sometimes, it doesnt have to b ur friend at all...

It makes u stupid...REally Stupid... u laugh a lot...
sometime u can be a Really Charlie... and cheessy.
U day dream a lot... yes.. a lot.. and u get this glow in ur eyes... that people sometimes cannot describe...

But i still belive... in this Mad.Crazy.Funny.Stupid.Cool.Blahblahblah.thing...

Called Love.


pinkfairy said...

me 2

serratAna said...

"It makes u stupid...REally Stupid... u laugh a lot...
sometime u can be a Really Charlie... and cheessy..." mire hermana! ma le vale que no sea relajandome oyo?! pa no acusarte con bacaldí!! pa que te de malo consejo..
eh mentira! me like it! =D

Jessica M said...

Mire carajo, Ute no sabe lee entre linea... eso no e pa ute!... aunque ahora q lo leo bien como q t pega... jajajaja... anormal!!

Adema, mi amigo Bacaldi me dijo que escribiera eso, el no se mete con migo!, mira las fotos de abajo pa q tu vea q bacaldi me quiere.